This section contains the most commonly asked questions regarding the operation, organization and more details about our online courses. It summarizes the questions we have received from previous students.

Q: Can I buy the course now and start it later?
A: No problem! You can attend the course according to your availability. When you decided the date in which you wish to start our lessons, inform us by e-mail and we will meet your timetable.

Q: The courses must be followed without interruption for 7/15/30 days?
A: No, we can insert breaks (up to 3) depending on the length of the course, providing it's longer than 7 days: normally we consider 2 breaks for the 15 days course and 3 for the 30 days course. However we can set a personalized and timetable if needed.

Q: What is the mode of payment?
A: Pay Pal directly online in the section How to buy.

Q: Lessons can be seen only once or can be viewed over again?
A: The video lessons are always available from beginning to end of the course will have access to all the video lessons at the same time and can see and review them as many times as they want, without restriction or order or constraints.

Q: How long does an average a lesson last?
A: The duration of the lessons is about 20/30 minutes, but the actual time request for studying, can be estimated at 1.5 / 2 hours. It must be considered that, for better understanding the concepts, you may need to pause the video lesson and make it start again when you are ready, maybe after having implemented theory on the system.